You’re Telling Me I’m Gonna Have to Do These Things on My OWN in College??

Before we start, let me tell y’all that I’m a pretty independent cookie. I’m a neat freak so I’ve never needed anyone to help keep my room or anything organised, I love cooking and I’m always making meals for my family and friends so I’m fully capable of handling my own food, and I’m just…

The Things That Matter.

As we all know, 2020 has turned our world upside down. From the moment we ushered in the New Year, we’ve had disasters thrown at us endlessly, and it’s easy and understandable to feel down about it. In fact, it’s healthy. Trudging through life thinking everything will suddenly get better and there’s a rainbow waiting…

Let’s Talk About COLLEGE!

I’m sure you can tell, this is one of the most exciting things in my life and something I can talk about for hours and hours on end. For me, the college application process began around September of 2018, when I signed up for ridiculously expensive and outrageously useless SAT classes. God, that’s a whole…

The Vloggers Responsible For My 7-Hour Screen Time

Yeah yeah don’t judge, I watch a lot of Netflix and YouTube okay. #thrivinginquarantine Hellooo everyone, hope you’re doing well and staying safe!! I can’t really believe that it’s May already. I vividly remember the 3rd of March, the last day of school and A Level exams, when I was out celebrating at dinner with…

A Day In My Life During Quarantine ft. yeh kab khatam hoga

I probably watch these ‘day in my life during quarantine/self isolation/at home’ videos all day you guys. I started Gossip Girl for the first time about a week and a half ago, so that’s the main reason why I have Netflix open all day. But if it wasn’t for that, honestly I’d just be watching these vlogs…

Spicy Chicken Ramen, Just Like The Restaurants (*original*)

I’ve done some pretty cool stuff – made a fully scripted murder mystery movie with my friends at age 13, went on a rollercoaster that *almost* had a loop (very dangerous, high-stakes stuff) – but this is by far the coolest. The stupid virus has officially gotten out of hand because I can no longer remember the…

A Collection Of Quarantine Thoughts

Since we’re at home all day and spend the majority of our days on our asses, our minds may be facing a lack of food for thought. So they make their own. I know mine does. Today’s post is gonna be a chilled out little chat, where I tell y’all all the random little things…

My Favourite Apple Music Playlists!

APPLE MUSIC MF SLAPS and that is just a fact. I agree with the memes, it should be free if you have an iPhone. But I mean, it’s Apple. What were you expecting xD. Nevertheless, my entire family and I have been using Apple Music forever, and I will STAND BY IT 4eva. Because it’s freaking…

The Perfect Crème Caramel

You know what I’m more mad about than the actual pandemic/lockdown? We are now one whole week into April, India’s climate is a solid ‘on fire’ (a usual summer here) – and I STILL. DON’T. HAVE. ANY. MANGOES?!?!? Indian summer equals Alphonso mangoes, everyone knows that. And it really hit me just how much everything…